Monday, May 30, 2011

New Site!

The new site is up and running! If you're interested, follow the link below...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#53 - Where's Ray?

Big changes are coming...more info soon. Anyway, here's Alex not really trying very hard.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

#51 - Loose Ends

Sometimes I think that it would be really great if I had someone who was far more skilled than I doing the art on these comics, so I can concentrate mainly on the writing. Like maybe a team of Taiwanese animators or something. That's just a pipe dream, though.

I kind of like the new font for the title. One of these days I'll actually decide what the title is going to permanently be and go with it, but in the meantime...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#50 - Angry Birds

Being married to Mrs. Ouderkirk has a way of inspiring me in unexpected and pretty cool ways, in my opinion.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

#49 - A Dead End

"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it's just not that good. It's trying to be good, it has potential, but it's not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit."
-Ira Glass

Saturday, April 23, 2011

#48 - It's Like A Thyroid Problem Or Something

Hello! It's been something of awhile, hasn't it? Well, I had some health issues lately that prevented me from really hunkering down and getting comics out, but I'm okay now. Did you know that tonsillitis is a much bigger deal when you're an adult? I didn't either! But I'm right as rain now, so I'm getting back into the swing of things. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

#46 - To Be Finally Left Alone

Sometimes, Bob just wants to be left alone. Who doesn't?

Also I made a new logo. I was just crapping around, but then at the end, decided that I liked it enough to replace the old one. Monochrome is just so 2010 around here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#45 - So...Are You Up On All Your Shots?

I've decided that there is actually something for everyone here...action, suspense, people holding hands, fighting dogs...I got more than one font going on. This is literally the zenith of my webcomic career. Right here. And you got front row seats to this nonsense.

I got nothing left, you bloodsuckers. I'm going to listen to Sufjan Stevens and try to score some Robitussin.

Leave me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#44 - Do You See What I See?

Maybe this sounds a tad dramatic, but there are times when I think about the big picture and the terrible things going on in the world, and wonder whether or not I could make a better contribution to, like, my brothers and sisters, other than doing Alex The Knight.

But then I realize that I probably can't, and that this is what I got, and so...why not take a few hours and make another one today?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#42 - Shades of Grey

We're just moving things along with this one, nothing too mind-blowing here. At least, other than Alex apparently thinking that Perkins is a REALLY big deal.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

#41 - Dramatis Personae

Sometimes I have this theory about the comic where it doesn't have to be funny all the time. Of course, funny is subjective: what strikes me as being funny may not have the same effect on the reader...alternatively what I think is something "serious" might make another person laugh, but that's the risk one takes when they're putting something out into the world. It's a small risk, and it's a happy one.

I think what's good about this one in particular is that it might push the feeling that characters like Alex and Abby are a just a little bit more real than just a collection of lines on a sheet of bristol board. Have a good Sunday.

Monday, February 28, 2011

#40 - Green Shag Carpeting

You would think with as much laying about as I've been doing the past few days that I'd have more of these done at this point...but drawing involves sitting up, you see. Anyway, here's another one.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

#39 - Morning People

Finally, right?

And yes, I'm bravely going forward with using color. Not looking back. No regrets.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's All Still Pretty Tentative, Man

I've been working on some "tentative" pictures for a real-life, honest-to-goodness Alex The Knight-related event, and I thought I'd share them with the hoi polloi. These may or may not be shown on a wall in a yet undisclosed coffeeshop somewhere in Kansas City:

I'll have more information posted here when I know a little bit more. And a new comic should be popping up here in the next few days.

Thank you to all of you who visit...I've been reading the stats. It's a good feeling!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#38 - Intermission (Weekly Daily)

I'm not entirely convinced that using the pen and brush method is going to work out for me. I love the strong, dark lines, but there is a lack of control that makes me feel uneasy. Still, I'm surprised that things turned out even as well as they did the first time, and maybe I can overcome the control issues I have with some practice.

And hey...full color, right? That's new, isn't it? Will that stick around?

In any case! Next time I'll get back with Alex and Bob.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

#37 - Intermission (The Pet Store)

Suppose you're one of those people who have never looked at one of these before. Or perhaps you saw one about a year ago and was like, "Yeah, that isn't very good" and haven't looked at another one ever again.

Yeah, let's suppose you were, you know, one of those people.

Monday, January 31, 2011

#36 - End Scene

As 100 million of us suffer through the worst blizzard that God ever invented, you might as well occupy yourselves with wondering why Abby immediately knows about Dartman.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

#35 - Understanding Dartman

We're close to the end of this little story arc, finally! This probably isn't the bombastic sort of ending some of you were expecting, but really, don't a lot of things in the real world only get taken care of as long as you know the right people?

Speaking of knowing the right people, I'd like to thank Joe Hanna for coming over to Ouderkirk Manor yesterday and showing me a tip or two for Photoshop, and also to P.J. Parker for giving me some sweet art supplies for my birthday. Win millions, kids.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

#34 - El Taco

Why is the upstairs neighbor vacuuming her carpet at 9:30 in the evening? Oh well, here's a double comic. This particular one marks the first time I've managed to fuse both of them together into one long image. It doesn't look great, but you know, I'm just getting the hang of this. Here's hoping that the storyline distracts the reader from the technical flaws.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

(Sort of) #34 - The Evolution of An Idea

One of the greatest things about having a blog is the ability for its writer to discuss things that likely no one really cares about, to give those things a forum, and cast them into the aether. Maybe it can be a footnote to himself for him to measure his progress in some way. Maybe it's just a way for him to feel like he's talking to someone. Maybe he's just a middle-aged man, feeling lonely and slightly sorry for himself.

In any case, this is sort of a half-post: the original scan of the new comic I'm working on compared with the finished version of the page. The complete two-page comic will be posted later, but I just wanted to share it so far.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#33 - Dartman

#32 - Change of Heart

#31 - Total Chaos

#30 - Men of Yore

#29 - Getting Away From The Script

#28 - Avalanche

#27 - Rube Goldberg

#26 - Tough Questions About Dairy Products

#25 - Demolitions Expert

#24 - Dumpster Diving

#23 - The Internal Struggle Of A Girl Who Works At A Rental Place In Gladstone In Regards To Her Free Time Versus The Value Of A Human Life, Part One

#22 - Raspberry Beret

#21 - Were You Ever In A War?